homoeopahtic sports injury kit

Homoeopathic Sports Injury Kit

Healwell Homeopathic Kits :
  • Natural and Safe
  • Meets all first aid needs
  • Round the clock health assurance
  • Reduce health care cost
  • For all age group
  • Ready to use pack with user guide
  • USFDA registered
homoeopathic sports injury kit india
Healwell Injury kit : Healwell Injury kit consists of 12 selected homoeopathic medicine which take care of all injury-related first aid needs. It takes care of all types of injuries such as
01. Injuries with or without bleeding
02. Eye Injury
03. Bruises

04. Burns, Scalds, Blisters
05. Cuts

06. Punctured wounds
07. Fracture pain
08. Insect Bites
09. Sprains and Strains
10. Nerve Injury
11. Sports Injury
12. Swelling, oedema due to truma

Healwell Injury Kit is essential first aid tool for every home, office, school, club house, vehicle etc.

List of Healwell Homoeopathic Medicines in Injury Kit :

Three medicines in tincture form
1. Calendula Q
2. Cantharis Q
3. Hypericum Q

Six medicines in pill form
1. Apis mel.
2. Arnica
3. Ledum Pal.
4. Ruta
5. Staphysagria
6. Symphytum

(All in 200c potency)
Three medicines in cream and ointment form
1 Calendula Cream
2 Cantharis Cream
3 Rhus Tox. Ointment

6 x 5 gms Pills
3 x 15 ml Q
3 x 15 gms Creams 

Healwell Injury Kit, can be useful as a first aid in injuries of day-to-day life

Product Delivery : Product Can be dispatched by Postal VPP (Value Payable by Post). you will need to pay the Postman only when the Parcel containing the Product is delivered at your door-step.
All Homeopathic Medicines are free from Side effects.

Improve Your Game with Homeopathy :

There has never been so much emphasis on fitness or such a wide choice of exercise, but even the fittest may suffer an occasional injury. Help is at hand with homeopathy, which can relieve the pain, promote rapid healing and speed your progress back to full health. Keep a small remedy kit with your sports gear at all times and stay in the game.

Everyone actively involved in sports or exercise should know about Arnica. It is the sine qua non for shock, bruising, and trauma and, because homeopathic medicines work on all levels, this applies to the mental and emotional aspects of injury as well as the physical. Whether you have strained muscles from overtraining or you've over done working in the garden, an Arnica 30c repeated at hourly or two hourly intervals will ease you through the pain. Arnica is available in a cream, which is good for bruises and sprains but never apply it if there is bleeding from an open wound. Arnica is such a wonderful remedy; it is worth keeping handy at all times. Use it for fatigue after a long journey or when, after a sleepless night on a long haul flight, there is a feeling of being bruised all over.

Sprains, especially those involving the ligaments or tendons should be treated with Ruta Grav. 30c, three or four times a day for a few days. If a weak backhand results in tennis elbow, Ruta is the thing to put you back on the court to improve your swing. Apply an ice pack to reduce the swelling and rest the arm as much as possible until the injury has really healed. Ruta is also good for bruised bones and those ever-so-painful bumps on the shins. If a once-sprained ankle or a fractured limb has a lingering and persistent weakness long after the injury has apparently healed, give Calc. Carb to strengthen the limb.

Muscle stiffness, especially if this is the result of sweating and getting cold, will respond well to treatment with the remedy, Rhus Tox. This remedy is sometimes called the "rusty gate" remedy, useful for when the limb feels creaky first thing but limbers up with movement. Squash players should keep Rhus Tox handy for a pulled ligament. Wrap the joint in an elastic bandage for extra support as well.

Sometimes called the "English Arnica", Bellis perrenis can follow Arnica if bruising and swelling persist. If injury is sustained from the ground up rather than a fall, by landing hard and bruising the foot or throwing the hip out, Bellis might be the better first choice. Women should note that Bellis given in good time when there is a blow to the breast can prevent many later problems such as tissue changes as a result of injury.

Painful cuts, bloody wounds, torn muscles, pulled hamstrings all respond well to Calendula. Runners should know how quickly Calendula cream works to heal blisters or chaffed skin, but take it internally (Calendula 30c) as well in the case of bleeding or torn muscles. Any wounds should be carefully cleaned before applying the cream and you can use Calendula tincture for this (one teaspoon to a pint of boiled water). It is completely non-toxic so the Calendula solution can be rinsed into a wound to clean it thoroughly. It is antiseptic and speeds granulation very effectively. When cleaning a wound, always wipe away from the site of the wound, never towards it.

Hypericum is invaluable for pain, especially in soft tissues rich in nerve endings - fingers slammed in doors, stubbed toes, bashed teeth and, together with Arnica, for falls on the coccyx. If you know that the cause of back pain was a fall on the coccyx, even if it was sometime ago, Hypericum will often help sort out the problem.

In the case of an extreme sudden accident, such as an out of bounds tackle, where there is residual shock and fear, Aconite is highly recommended. If the patient is very shocked, lie them down on their back with the legs elevated. This position uses gravity to help the blood to flow back to the brain to help counter the shock but don't do this if the injury is to the head or chest.

With studded boots that anchor the foot to the ground, a twisted knee is a great risk for football players. Take Arnica at first and apply a cold pack to reduce the swelling. Wrap the knee in an elastic bandage to reduce movement and support the joint. Keep the leg up as much as possible. You may need Bryonia on the second day if it's worse from the slightest motion and all you want to do is keep it completely still.

If the game on the field gets so rough that bones are broken, a course of Symphytum, often called "bone-setter" will help the fracture knit quickly. When there is a blow to the eye from a ball or a hockey stick, give Arnica. If the injury is more to the surrounding tissue that to the eye itself and the whole eye looks inflamed and bluish, Ruta grav.will help. Symphytum will also sort out a black eye. Choose Bryonia first for a broken rib and then give Symphytum when the pain has lessened to help the bone to knit.

All remedies should be stored in a clean cool, dry place away from light, heat, electrical interference and strong smells. Do not keep you homeopathic remedies in the same box as aromatherapy oils, for example, or with any strong-smelling substance. Carefully stored, homeopathic remedies will last a long time. Try to avoid handling the tablets. To give a dose, tip a tablet into a spoon and then into the patient's mouth. Let the tablets dissolve slowly under the tongue. Remedies can be taken at any time of day but, ideally, allow a gap of at least 20 minutes away from food, drink or toothpaste. Decrease frequency of dosage as pain lessens and injury improves. Discontinue treatment when the symptoms have abated improvement is well established. Only repeat remedies when and if pain or other symptoms return.

Any serious athlete knows that getting to the peak of physical fitness is only part of the winning formula. The difference between winning and losing is in the champion's mental clarity and emotional resilience. What is so extraordinary about homeopathic remedies is that they are selected on a person's unique mental and emotional constitution. A professional homeopath can help any athlete's performance by finding the remedy or remedies that will act specifically with that individual's mind, body and spirit to help him or her each an optimum performance.

Licensed and Registered Members of the Society of Homeopaths work in accordance with a Code of Ethics and Practice, have professional insurance and have passed stringent academic and clinical assessments. More information about Homeopathy and a list of Registered Members in your area can be obtained from :

Source: The Society of Homeopaths, 11 Brookfield, Duncan Close, Moulton Park, Northampton NN3 6WL. Tel 0845 450 6611 Fax 0845 450 6622 Email info@homeopathy-soh.org www.homeopathy.soh.org